Web Tech - Wordpress Security: Do Not Panic!

Keep headers/logos under 125 pixels high. It takes up valuable viewing space, especially for laptop users, that is best left for the good stuff to appear"above the fold." Take a cue from the big companies, simple logos done well say it all. This is our #1 pet peeve - screaming logos and headers!

In my view, the best way to ensure that your is via the use of a fix wordpress malware attack backup plugin. This is a fairly inexpensive, easy and elegant to use way to make sure that your website is available to you.

Backup plug-ins is also important. You wikipedia reference want to backup all the database and files you can bring your site back like nothing happened.

Before you can delete the default admin account, you must create a new user with administrator rights. To do this go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on User -> Create New User. Then enter all the information you will need to enter.

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms for websites and self-hosted blogs. While WordPress is pretty secure out of the box, there are always going to be individuals who want to create trouble by finding a way to official statement split into sites or accounts to cause harm or inject hidden spammy links. That's why it's important to be sure that your WordPress installation from this source is as safe as possible.

Always bear in mind that the safety of your sites depend on how you manage them. Make certain that you follow these strategies to prevent exploits and hacks on websites and your blogs.

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